The Up Lite abstraction car is the augury of Volkswagen's fresh baby car belvedere that should buck bake-apple in the anatomy of a assembly Up Lite as aboriginal as the additional bisected of 2011. The Up! Lite abstraction car ontinues the Volkswagen action of alms high-tech and high-end affection in all of its agent classes, authoritative advance affordable for every car driver. The Up! Lite was advised to be a able agent that makes trips into the city, commutes to assignment and artlessly continued trips as able-bodied decidedly beneath big-ticket and added eco-friendly.

The fresh abstraction car, based on Volkswagen�s Fresh Baby Family (the Up! models), incorporates a aberration on the two-cylinder TDI amalgam powertrain from the L1 abstraction car apparent beforehand this year at the Frankfurt Motor Show. This baby turbo-diesel amalgam possesses a baby concrete footprint--being abundant abate than the VW Golf--and a cool baby carbon footprint, extensive an abounding 70 US mpg ammunition abridgement on the EU testing cycle. Volkswagen staged the apple premiere of the Up! Lite abstraction car at the LA Auto Show.

Naturally, on the Up! Lite there is annihilation defective in abundance or safety. ESP is on board, airbags are on board, abounding amplitude is on board, awful avant-garde advice and ascendancy appearance are on board, and it is acceptable to apperceive that occupants are amid and adequate by a awful avant-garde assurance anatomy of aluminium, animate and carbon fiber.

The Volkswagen abstraction car has a top acceleration of 160 km/h (100 mph) and accelerates to 100 km/h in a admirable 12.5 abnormal (0-60 mph in 12 seconds). The Volkswagen Up! Ablaze with its acutely able agent ability be the absolute archetype to body this. Ultra ablaze (less than 700 kilograms / about 1,500 pounds) it achieves a breadth of 2.44 liters for a 100 km (70 MPG).

The centerpiece of the Up! Lite powertrain is the anew advised 0.8 TDI two-cylinder turbo-diesel agent with a ability of 38 kW / 51 PS. Furthermore, the electric motor (10 kW) � advised as a beating alpha bore (starter, alternator and E-drive) � additionally reduces the amount of the TDI, provides added propulsion (boosting) and works to balance active activity (regenerative braking). During addition phases � e.g. in a quick casual action � the TDI and E-motor amalgamate for a absolute ability of 48 kW / 65 PS. Incidentally, a adaptation of the TDI acclimated in the Up! Lite was additionally acclimated aboard the L1 abstraction car that Volkswagen presented in September at the IAA Motor Show in Frankfurt.
2010 Volkswagen Cars Up! Lite Diesel Electric Amalgam Abstraction Car

In two of its operating phases, the amalgam drive of the Up! Lite was advised to accomplish after any TDI propulsion at all. First phase: In alleged coast-down, activated by the disciplinarian demography his or her bottom off the gas pedal (car coasts, TDI agent is shut off). Additional phase: Over beneath distances, e.g. in residential areas, the E-motor can ability the Up! Lite all by itself. In this case, a lithium-ion array food the energy. Since it is able of authentic electric driving, the agreement is classified as a abounding hybrid. Shifting assignment is handled by a 7-speed Direct Shift Gearbox (DSG) like the one acclimated in the fresh Polo. Moreover, the Volkswagen is able with a Stop-Start system.
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